Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Medical Medium's 3:6:9 Liver Cleanse

Hi friends! Sorry this post has taken me so long to finish, I just kept adding more and more  until finally I just said, "Stop! That's enough." So here it is.

If you're reading this you've heard of this cleanse or I'm assuming you wouldn't be here.
But let me break it down briefly for you if you haven't.

The liver is basically your most important organ. (That's why Medical Medium wrote a book about it) So you want it to be functioning at it's best, and that's what this cleanse does.

It's a 9 day cleanse.
The first three days you cut down the amount of fat in your diet (saving it for dinnertime.)
The next three days you cut out all fat from your diet.
The last three days is also no fat with a juice day on the final day.

You can eat as much as you want, it just has to be foods that are easy on your liver.

I won't lie to you, it was challenging. Brent and I both had one day, which was day 5 for me where I struggled with craving foods that weren't recommended. I'm sure if you try this cleanse you'll have one of these days, but keep going. As soon as that day was over, I felt so good, and so did Brent. It's so worth it. I promise you!

I thought we ate pretty healthy before but what I didn't realize was the amount of fat in our diet. From nut butters, to avocados and seeds and nuts, they really add up. Ideally you should keep your fat to 25% of your daily intake.

When you eat fat your liver has to produce bile to break it down. So by taking it easy in the morning you're giving your liver a chance to further detox. (Your liver goes to sleep when you do but wakes up before you to start to detox.) So by going all day without any fats, your liver has the chance to detox all that built up gunk all day!

My results:

I felt lighter and cleaner
Had more energy
Lost 6 pounds
No breakouts
No body odour of any sort
My skin looked great

Here's things I've continued doing after the cleanse:

Celery juice in the morning ( I also did this months before the cleanse)
Lemon water
Apple or two a day
Limit my fat intake and try to leave it until the afternoon
Lemon balm tea before bed

My Tips:

Do it with a partner
Prep your fruits and vegetables beforehand
Maybe try this cleanse during the warmer months. I did it in the winter when all I wanted was comforting foods.

Update: My mom just finished (Yay mom!) Her results were also similar to mine.

I plan on doing this cleanse again in the summer. I'd love some other people to join so we can do it together!

By the way, this post is not sponsored, I just love you guys and want you to be well!


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